all postcodes in N14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N14 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N14 7AA 0 51.625513 -0.125224
N14 7AB 0 51.624127 -0.124801
N14 7AD 0 51.623833 -0.12555
N14 7AE 0 51.622683 -0.12671
N14 7AG 0 51.621008 -0.128238
N14 7AH 0 51.619445 -0.129458
N14 7AJ 0 51.620154 -0.131668
N14 7AL 1 51.621159 -0.133808
N14 7AN 0 51.621487 -0.133462
N14 7AP 0 51.620462 -0.131251
N14 7AR 1 51.621577 -0.128431
N14 7AS 0 51.623333 -0.126885
N14 7BA 0 51.621523 -0.118263
N14 7BB 0 51.621248 -0.118535
N14 7BD 1 51.622357 -0.119269
N14 7BE 2 51.622906 -0.118163
N14 7BG 0 51.623716 -0.115413
N14 7BH 0 51.623935 -0.115971
N14 7BJ 0 51.624008 -0.113985
N14 7BL 0 51.621753 -0.116332